Fresh Farmers Cheese

Fresh Farmers Cheese

The Farmer’s Cow Fresh Whole milk is the perfect base for making simple and delicious fresh Farmers Cheese. Similar to mozzarella, it is soft and creamy with a mild flavor and slightly crumbly texture. It is perfect for salads, melted on pizza or sandwiches, or simply snacking.  This homemade recipe comes together with just three ingredients and will leave you with ready-to-use cheese in 30 minutes!

Yield: about 2 balls


  • 8 cups whole milk
  • 7 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup salt


  •  Heat the milk in a large saucepan over medium heat until it reaches 115°F. Stir occasionally to prevent scorching.
  • Once the milk reaches the desired temperature, turn off the heat and add the lemon and stir gently for 2-3 minutes until the curds (solid parts) begin separating from the whey (liquid). If the whey remains cloudy, add more acid, 1 tbsp at a time, until it becomes a clearer, golden color.
  • Lift the curds out of the whey using a slotted spoon and place them in a medium-sized bowl. If the curds are too large, you can cut them into 1-inch cubes with a knife before removing them.
  • Wrap the curds in cheesecloth and gently press with the back of a spoon to remove excess whey and firm up the cheese.
  • Add the salt to the pot of whey and heat it to 170°F. Once the curds are formed into a ball, immerse it in the hot whey for 2-3 minutes to reheat. At this point, the cheese should have a smooth consistency. If not, microwave the ball for 20-second intervals until it’s smooth and pliable.
  • Carefully stretch the hot cheese using two spoons or gloved hands by pulling and folding it until it becomes soft. Avoid overstretching, as it can make the cheese tough.
  • Gently shape the cheese into 1 large or 2 small round balls and place it back in the pot of warm whey to reheat it to 135F.
  • Cool and use the homemade cheese immediately or wrap it in cling wrap and refrigerate. Store any leftovers in an airtight container for 1-2 weeks. The leftover whey can be frozen for future use in soups, smoothies, or as animal feed.

Date Posted: August 11, 2024

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