Just for Kids!
Just for Kids!

Feed the Birds
Attract feathered friends! You just need string, a stick, scissors and an empty milk carton to make a bird feeder.

Cow Earrings
Cows have pierced ears! They wear ear tags so that the farmers know their names and can find them.

A Tub Full
A milking cow drinks enough water in a day to almost fill a bathtub! About 30-40 gallons!

No Front Teeth
Cows do not have top front teeth! They have a tough pad of skin instead. But they have 32 bottom teeth.

Nap Time!
Cows spend 30 minutes drinking, 3-5 hours eating and 12-14 hours resting or snoozing each day.

4 Stomachs?
Many people think cows have 4 stomachs. They only have one stomach with 4 compartments with funny names.

It’s Black & White
A Holstein cow’s spots are like fingerprints – no two cows have the same pattern of black and white spots.

Just Plain
Vanilla is America’s favorite flavor of ice cream – not chocolate chip cookie dough or cake batter. Who knew?

It’s Corny
Most of the corn fields that you see in New England are not planted for corn-on-the-cob, but to feed dairy cows.